Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cape Cod 2006

"Jessie! Look out for that wave!"
The Spray got a bit strong on the back of the boat on the way
out to see the whales!

An adult whale feeding about 20 yards from the boat.
It was so incredible to see these HUGE whales so close!

My little fish. I swear she spent the entire week in the water.

This picture we fondly call MermaJenn.
What you can't see is that the girls had covered me in seaweed.
It is in my hair, on my glasses, wrapped around my wrist,
I am trying so hard not to shake and squirm! EW!

On one of the final days we all donned bandanas and had ourselves a good
ole pirate battle in the water with the kids. AJ snapped this picture minutes
before the battle ensued.

The whole reason we were there was for Mike's viking funeral.
This is the boat Walt built. I decorated the dragon heads
and that is his name in Viking runes on the side of the boat.
We put a small amount on his ashes on board and lit the boat
on the lake.

Sunset on the lake.

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