Saturday, April 29, 2006

Life in general

So long no post....
Lots going on.
Got a manicure
tinted my eyelashes
had eye lashes retinted because first time washed right off
gave up after second try washed off
go a free pedicure because eye lashes won't tint
turned 34
realized I love my job but hate all the BS that goes with it
realized teachers gossip more than teenagers
decided I will follow my gut no matter where it takes me because it is right 90% of the time
followed my gut to the pediatrician and learned Jessica has strep throat - go gut!
going with my gut on the decision to not buy a car from a dealership
trusting God that when the time comes the transportation issue will be handled
praying that the repairs on the focus will stay at or below estimate of $1600.00
taking deep breaths
listening to Elmo sing, Cat pur and daughter snore