Wednesday, December 14, 2005

All together for Christmas

So my sister ruined my child.
We were all out shopping when Kelly wanted a coffee from Starbucks. We go in an order and learned they do kids drinks for a dollar. So we ordered Jessica a hot cocoa with a splash of cold milk to make it cool for her. She loved it!!! Now not only does she want a cocoa everytime she sees a Starbucks but she refuses to drink any other kind of cocoa. My 3 year old drink snob!
I took this picture with my cell phone so it isn't the greatest but it's hysterical. But nothing beats the looks Kelly and I got from strangers thinking we were giving her coffee since they served the cocoa in a coffee cup!

Well it is true. Be careful what you wish for. hehehe. Mom and Dad are coming up from florida for Christmas and I have 3 days to clear a roompacked with boxes and make it comfy for their 3 week stay! But I am so excited. Jessica is in full "I need this for Christmas" mode. She doesn't quite get the whole idea of Santa yet. When I tried to explain to her the whole make a list for Santa idea she simply asked "Why can't you or Daddy tell him?"Not to mention she told her preschool teacher that "Santa has lots of money so he can buy me all the toys". Yah. Gotta love my kid. So I hope she isn't bummed when she doesn't get every toy there is. But since she is getting the Fisher price star station kareoke set that hooks to the TV I think she'll be ok that everything else is little stuff. And if not she'll get over it. She probably will be so excited about Grammy and Pop pop being here she won't play with any of it anyways :)

Well time for more meds. Got another (or possibly the same) sinus infection and I can barely breathe. 1000 mg of Augmentin twice a day for 20 days this time around since the last round of 10 days didn't kick it. So pray for me because God doesn't seem to want to listen to me on the subject. :)

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Saw Harry Potter and fell in love again. I love the world they create. Have to admit to screaming like the little girl I wish I was during the maze scene. But again loved the movie, agreed with the PG13 rating as it was a bit mature in bits, and was left wanting another in the end.

Went Black Friday shopping and have to report on these 4 women I saw in Target. They cracked me up and made Jessica shriek with laughter. 4 adult women were dressed as elves (striped stockings, pointy shoes, hats and more) were walking around shopping in the middle of the chaos singing carols at the top of their lungs. Upon closer inspection (as demanded by aforementioned child) I learned they were not sing so very loudly as thought, one woman had a tape player in her "toy bag" that was playing the music. They were hysterical. They all blewJessie kisses and wished her Merry Christmas. Needless to say it made her day.

Finances seem to be getting worse instead of better as I have had to return all but one gift bought in exchange food groceries. But for now we have a roof over our heads and each other so I am counting my blessings.

And I am learning to forgive. I have recently realized that someone I thought cared deeply for me as a friend seems to care less if she leaves me in a lurch. And I have learned to step back and not be there to offer her help for it will not be appreciated. And that no matter how much you trust a friend never get money involved. Hard lesson learned. I will no longer feel guilty for putting myself and my family first.

So Merry Little Christmas since it will be little this year.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Blog, Blog, Blog...

Having one of those days again. No money for the holidays and lots of frustrations to go with it. On a fun note Friday night Jessica and I went to play Bingo at the Elementary school right behind our town house. We went with Kelly & AJ and her girls. Jessica had a blast, she wanted to put stamp dots on every square. All the prizes were kid's toys. We didn't win anything but both AJ's girls won. So it was lots of excitement. Kelly ofcourse stayed until 12:30 AM til I had to put on my PJs and push her out the door.
I think I have the holiday blues. It just sucks knowing M&D are broke and won't leave the condo until it is sold. They told us if we bought them tickets to get here they wouldn't use them. So we won't see them until the condo sells. Mom is in tears missing us and down because she won't be here for Christmas. I am bummed because it means Christmas with Kelly and we all know how that usually goes. (Thanksgiving with Kelly is making my skin crawl with anticipation of a fight). And as we have yet to have a holiday involving my family that didn't end with arguing I am not holding my breath. I just hope there is no blood shed.


Monday, November 14, 2005

One Sick Family

So for the first time ever my entire little family are all sick at once. The irony we all have something different. Dan is nauseous and thinks his Vertigo may be back, Jessica has the cha cha's and is just generally cranking and I have the sinus headache from hell. What is up with this? I just really hope we don't all share! Ugh. D is never one to say he is sick and he is willing admitting it so beware - hell may freeze over any moment.
phone's ringing - see ya!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Murphy's Day

Ever have one of those Murphy's Law days? Yah, today was definitely one of those days. I woke up late, rush to get Jessica and myself dressed, ran to the school thanking God I was only helping to clean the store room instead of teaching today because I had taken the liberty of wearing an old T shirt, we make it just in time. All is going well until Jessica sees me in the hallway. Normally this event is met by "Hey Mom" and we go our own ways. Today she breaks into tears and sobs she wants to go home. I pick her up and she is burning up. Lovely. Everyone around feels her head and says yes she must have a fever. Murphy takes effect and needless to say both the thermometers the preschool has are out of batteries. And it figures that I had just came up the steps are tearing everything and I mean everything out of the storeroom. So Jessie and I go down and pile it all back in and go home. She takes a nap and wakes up like none of this ever happens.
But on a good note I got to see the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Which was creepy but good, it followed the book a little closer (except the end) but it was really creepy.
Ahh well.....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Unbeatable Headache

So I woke up at 3 AM this morning with a killer headache behind my eyes. I believe it hurt so bad it woke me up. I took some tylenol and went back to bed. I woke up again at 7:30, got Jessica and myself ready for school and off we went, headache in tow. All day long I babied this headache - fed it caffiene, removed my glasses, rubbed my face. We came home, I treated my headache and my self to a nice Ceasar salad, took a nap and still the pain persisted. I crawled out of bed, walked to the Elementary school, picked up my god daughters Catherine and Amy, and the headache came with. I ran errands with friends and children and tried not to claw my eyes out. Took some Excedrin and moaned on.
We came home and discovered I married a superhero. Dan had not only woken up early and cooked dinner but he included some sort of magic drug in the dinner he called protein. It seems protein has the ability to disolved killer headaches.
And to think I thought he was just smelly, scruffy husband. In truth he is Super Danny killer of all thing painful.
I knew I loved him for a reason other than his big hairy feet!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Well, my first blog! Some of my friends would say about time. But hey, it takes me a while to get on the bandwagon sometimes.
So it was Jessica's first real trick or treat adventure. She made out like a bandit. Where has the time gone? Last year she rode on her daddy's shoulders and went to 2 houses and declared she was done. This year she didn't want to stop but she couldn't carry anymore. And as far as I was concerned if she couldn't carry it it was way too much! No 3 year old should have her own body weight in candy. Well I am off, Aunt Kelly has to leave and there is a minor meltdown to put out!
Happy Halloween!